With Wonder
Written By
06 Mar 2023

What a year so far! Really rolls off the tongue these days, doesn’t it?
We started 2023 with some wild and wet days, and while I’d love to be able to say the drought is behind us, we will need successively wet years to make a real difference.
You wouldn’t know by looking at it though. The lakes are full, and everything is alive and green and lush. And the snow!! Never have I ever woken up to such a beautiful, peculiar sight. Snow on Fig and Grass Mountains? It has been cold. This vintage will be one for the books, and we're all curious and wondering how it will play out in the grapes this year. The plants are smiling. The hawks are magnificent. Owl and bluebird boxes are being installed, as they help with insects like leafhoppers and vermin in the vines. The garden is flourishing with artichokes, snap peas, broccoli, and roses.
Watching Mother Nature throw us for loops is part of the terror and beauty of farming. We watch with wonder.
Alecia - head wino
We started 2023 with some wild and wet days, and while I’d love to be able to say the drought is behind us, we will need successively wet years to make a real difference.
You wouldn’t know by looking at it though. The lakes are full, and everything is alive and green and lush. And the snow!! Never have I ever woken up to such a beautiful, peculiar sight. Snow on Fig and Grass Mountains? It has been cold. This vintage will be one for the books, and we're all curious and wondering how it will play out in the grapes this year. The plants are smiling. The hawks are magnificent. Owl and bluebird boxes are being installed, as they help with insects like leafhoppers and vermin in the vines. The garden is flourishing with artichokes, snap peas, broccoli, and roses.
Watching Mother Nature throw us for loops is part of the terror and beauty of farming. We watch with wonder.
Alecia - head wino