Harvest is coming

This growing season started out very wet and cold, and stayed that way for a long time. We were all jumping for joy and breathing heavy sighs of relief to be officially declared “out of the drought.”
I can’t even begin to explain how it feels to be driving down the road and seeing the beautiful waters of Lake Cachuma once again visible.
At a certain point we were wondering if it would ever warm up, so we were predicting a later harvest this year because of the cool weather and the slow bud break. After bud break comes flowering and set, and that’s when the weather is crucial. If it’s too cold, you can have something called shatter, where the flowers don’t turn into future grapes, and instead fall off of the vines like dust. Beautiful dust, but still flowery dust.
Our set this year was practically perfect. Yields look strong, and we will be doing our green drop at 85% veraison, which started just before this writing amazingly.
In one of our stubborn but favorite Cabernet Sauvignon blocks, the mealy bugs have decided that our organic way of life is just perfect for them to move in. Without the assault of all of the cheap and easy poisons with which to desecrate them, we’ve had to be extra creative this year in asking them to leave. It’s always an adventure for us, and sometimes a stressful one, but we welcome this one, free of pesticides and chemicals.
We’ll let you know who wins this particular battle.
Down in perfectville, our Cab Franc is having a celebration of itself currently. Can’t wait to be at that party. The Merlot this year is a stunner.
Semillon is showing a little water stress, as it did eventually heat up this summer, but we think a little stress is a good thing.
Syrah is a beautiful beast, and all in all the entirety of the vineyard is in such a good place right now I could do a little dance, and then knock on wood.
We are so looking forward to harvest this year, our sixth, and beyond that have many, many exciting things on the horizon…. including a dream dinner collaboration between Two Wolves and the incomparable SHERO Chef Dominique Crenn at Petit Crenn this month, as well as gearing up for our fall release, scheduled for October 29!, and announcing our 3rd restaurant we will be poured in….
We’ll talk soon!
And thanks again for all of the love. We send it right back.
- alecia moore, wino