We have some news for you that we think is quite good....We plan on having three releases a year from here on out. Springtime, around my favorite day (MOTHER’S DAY)… early fall, around my other favorite day (MY BIRTHDAY)… and late fall, my (MOST FAVORITE TIME OF THE YEAR THE HOLIDAYS ALL OF THEM), so we should have your tables covered. I imagine a weird fall ahead, so the more we have our tables covered in wine, the better.
The summer was quiet around here, with very easy breezy days, slow and steady ripening, and we thought we would be arriving at harvest on time or even two weeks later than usual. We didn’t have any heat spikes until the day I sent you my last letter. In one week, we had humidity, lightning, fires, and intense heat. We lost about 20% of our Petit Verdot at that time due to the heat and sunburn. Everything else made it through just fine.
Then, BAMMM, the whites were ready. Two weeks early! When I am this ready, and have nothing else going on but to stare at grapes and pick tomatoes, train myself to be a preschool teacher, bake sourdough and try to housebreak our dog, how does harvest sneak up on you??
We already brought in all of our whites, and the fruit this year looks INCREDIBLE. I think this will be an exceptional vintage. Our skin-contact Sémillon is racing through barrel fermentation, with Grenache Rosé right behind it. "Althea" the cement egg is currently leading her partner "Edgar" the egg to the finish. He needs his hand held sometimes. Everything is tasting and smelling beautifully, and I cannot wait until you’re all telling us how you feel about it and what you paired it with, or who you shared it with and why. A great big take away this year for me has been how important connection is, to oneself, to ones dreams, and to those that you align with.
Take care of yourselves, and each other.
With love and gratitude,
alecia moore, wino